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JUS Volume XVIII (2017) is coming!

We are pleased to inform you that Volume XVIII (2017) of the Journal of Unification Studies will be made available online soon.

You can now preview two articles below: 
     – Towards a Hyo Jeong Philosophy of Art by David Eaton
     – Were True Parents Born with Original Sin? How to Deal with Their Words on This Matter by Theodore Shimmyo

You may also consider becoming a regular subscriber and purchase a paperback copy now.

jus vol 18 2017 header web
Providential History of Modern Thought: A Unification Perspective Theodore Shimmyo
True Parents as the Only Begotten Son and Only Begotten Daughter Jin Choon Kim
Were True Parents Born with Original Sin? How to Deal with Their Words on This Matter Theodore Shimmyo
Words Matter: Linguistic, Historical and Theological Issues with the Term “Begotten” Franco Famularo
Multi-Dimensional Hermeneutics for the Integration of Knowledge: A Preparatory Analysis for Unification Hermeneutics Keisuke Noda
Towards a Hyo Jeong Philosophy of Art David Eaton
The Austerity Gospel of Gordon Fee Robert M. Price 171
Battle for Dominion over Time: War of the Calendars in Thailand Ronald J. Brown

Printed copies of the JUS, past and current issues, are available for purchase from the Unification Theological Seminary, 30 Seminary Drive, Barrytown, NY 12507 at $17.50 domestic, $25.00 for institutions and overseas orders. Please make checks payable to the Unification Theological Seminary.

For questions about purchases and subscriptions, please contact Mrs. Ute Delaney.