Journal of Unification Studies

Promoting dialogue and understanding from diverse viewpoints and practices

Current Issue vol. XXIV 2023

We are pleased to inform you that Volume XXIV (2023) of the Journal of Unification Studies is now available online!

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About the Journal of Unification Studies

The Journal of Unification Studies is a forum for committed engagement with Unification theology and practice, published annually by the HJ International Graduate School for Peace and Public Leadership.

An array of resources

  • Its articles address concerns of the theological community and the professional ministry,from a Unificationist perspective.
  • as well as contemporary social, cultural, political, scientific and economic issues,
  • from a Unification perspectives in practice.

Submission of Articles

  • If you wish to submit an article for publication in the next issue,
  • please contact the editor, Dr. Andrew Wilson
  • at

“The Journal promotes dialogue and understanding by presenting papers from diverse viewpoints that engage Unification theology and practice

Andrew Wilson

JUS, Editor

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