Hyo Jeong Academic Foundation Filial love is the root of all virtues.

Role of HJ Academy of Arts & Sciences

The Hyo Jeong Academy of Arts and Sciences is now established as a larger umbrella organization which binds the four academic institutions and co-ordinates them into one direction. Cheon Il Guk Academy (CIGA), Professors World Peace Academy (PWPA), Unification Thought Institute (UTI), and the International Conference on the Unity of the Sciences (ICUS).

PWPA - Professors World Peace Academy - Promoting Academic Values for World Peace

Greetings from the President


Dear Scholars and Friends,

Thank you for taking time to review this brief introduction to the Professors World Peace Academy (PWPA). As you can see, PWPA has a proud history and a vigorous future agenda. The founders, Dr. Sun Myung Moon and Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon, have given PWPA a large mandate to be“…international, multidisciplinary, future-oriented and action-oriented” in its peace-building work.

Now with the support of the Hyo Jeong World Peace Foundation, and together with other academic initiatives belonging to the Hyo Jeong Academy, PWPA looks forward expanded activities and participation, both in Korea and in many other countries.

PWPA is fundamentally committed to respecting and appreciating the intellectual assets which each member brings to our common tasks. By investing those assets in our work together, we can multiply their value and effectiveness for good.

Throughout the coming year, we will develop the international connections of PWPA and its related organizations, to enable PWPA members to benefit from the synergy of ideas and academic networks and to address critical issues in a systemically responsible way, grounded in enduring values.

I invite you to connect with PWPA, and look forward to the opportunity to greet you in person.



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