Search of Original Laws.” Then Dr. Jaewan Joo, Professor in the Department of Theology and Pure Love Studies at Sun Moon University, gave a talk on “Developing Unification Epistemology by Incorporating Spiritual Senses.” Part 1 concluded with a talk by Dr. Geo Lyong Lee, Professor in the Department of Integrative Medicine at Sun Moon University, on “The Original Image in Unification Thought from the Perspective of Indian Philosophy.”
Part 2 was moderated by Dr. Hangje Kim and Dr. Jin Choon Kim, Co-Chairpersons of the Cheon Il Guk Academy and featured papers presented by 2nd generation Unificationists from Korea. First, Dr. Jinsu Hwang, Professor at SunHak UP Graduate University presented a paper entitled “A Study on the National Policy of Cheon Il Guk: Based on the Concept of Mutual Existence, Mutual Prosperity, and Mutual Righteousness.” Next Dr. Hyun Jin Lim, Professor at SunHak UP Graduate University, presented a paper about the “Study on the Mutual Prosperity Politics in Korea based on the Principle of Mutual Existence, Mutual Prosperity and Mutual Righteousness.” This was followed by Dr. Hwa Myung Kang, Professor or Liberal Arts at Sun Moon University, presenting her paper on “A Study on the Creation of Shared Values from the Perspective of Unification Thought.” Finally, Dr. Youn Hee An, Professor in the Department of History and Culture Contents at Sun Moon University gave a presentation entitled “A Note on the ‘Being with Position’ of Unification Thought: Implications for the Concept of Person.” Once again, each presentation was followed by a stimulating question and answer session.
The program concluded with a report on the HyoJeong Academy Symposium in Paris to the French congregation of FFWPU. These reports and expressions of gratitude for the warm hospitality that was extended to all participants by our French hosts were made by Mr. Jean Francois Moulinet, Chairman of UPF France, Dr. Michael Balcomb, Chairman of FFWPU- Europe and the Middle East, Dr. Katsumi Otsuka, Chairman of the HyoJeong Academy of Arts & Sciences, Europe and of UPF, Europe, and Dr. Sung Bae Jin, Chairman of HyoJeong Academy of Arts and Sciences International. In addition, all the participants expressed their deep appreciation to God, True Mother, Dr. Jin, the other organizers of the symposium and our French hosts for the symposium that provided much food for thought.
A booklet containing all of the papers presented at the symposium can be obtained from the HyoJeong Academy of Arts & Sciences in Korea. As indicated by the wide range of subject matters and areas of expertise of the presenting scholars, the symposium provided all participants with much intellectual stimulation. The next symposium is tentatively scheduled to be held in Europe in July 2019 and we look forward to another thought-provoking symposium with numerous distinguished scholars attending from around the world.