Hyo Jeong Academic Foundation Filial love is the root of all virtues.

HJ Academy – Lecture Schedule and the Main Topics

[heading size=”h3″ style=”uk-module-title uk-margin-large-bottom”] HJ Academy of Arts and Sciences Schedule [/heading]

[column size=”1-2″] [block_date date=”16″ month=”Oct”] [heading_link size=”h4″ url=”#” style=””] 한국어 Unification Thought, Existentialism[/heading_link] Proposal for the peaceful unification of Korean peninsula. Materialistic view of history. [/block_date] [/column] [column size=”1-2″] [block_date date=”23″ month=”Oct”] [heading_link size=”h4″ url=”#” style=””]The Constiution of Cheong IL Guk[/heading_link] Unification Thought and the theism of East and West. The realty of South and North Korean relationship and the proposal. [/block_date] [/column]
[column size=”1-2″] [block_date date=”30″ month=”Oct”] [heading_link size=”h4″ url=”#” style=””]Criticism against Juche Ideology [/heading_link] Peaceful unification. The vision and the activities of women federation for world peace.  
[/block_date] [/column] [column size=”1-2″] [block_date date=”6″ month=”Nov”] [heading_link size=”h4″ url=”#” style=””]Creating a happy family[/heading_link] Nation and revolution. Maintaining health based on the ideas of Unification Thought. The final exam.  [/block_date] [/column]

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