Hyo Jeong Academic Foundation Filial love is the root of all virtues.

Keynote Speech

Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for attending the launching ceremony for Hyo Jeong Academy of Arts and Sciences. True Mother organized the Korea-Japan Leaders’ Meeting in Yongpyong on May 1, 2016 and for the first time, she mentioned the institution name, that is “the Hyo Jeong Academy of Arts and Sciences.”

A year before she mentioned the plan of the Hyo Jeong Academy, True mother started the Cheon Il Guk Academy. Hyo Jeong Academy of Arts and Sciences encompassed Cheon Il Guk Academy (CIGA), Professors World Peace Academy (PWPA), Unification Thought Institute (UTI), that has been newly renovated after 17 years, and the International Conference on the Unity of the Sciences (ICUS). The Hyo Jeong Academy of Arts and Sciences is now established as a larger umbrella organization which binds the four academic institutions and co-ordinates them into one direction.

People, who could not think of an idea larger than Cheon Il Guk, have begun to be interested in the Hyo Jeong Cultural Center or Hyo Jeong Academy of Arts and Sciences, which was found under the name of Hyo Jeong.

In conclusion, Cheon Il Guk is the official name of the Kingdom of Heaven, and the concept of Hyo Jeong is like the fundamental principle of supporting the Kingdom of Heaven.

When we look at the Kingdom of Heaven in terms of the formal viewpoint, or the named entity, the nation is Cheon Il Guk. In the other hand, when we look at the Kingdom of Heaven in terms of content, or Shimjung, you can say that it is the Kingdom of filial piety. In short, Cheon Il Guk is the Kingdom of Hyo Jeong.

Next, True Parents will take us to the leadership of true love based on the absolute authority of God. In particular, all the institutions are bound to one direction, under one unified system. In addition to the four academic groups, the institute is affiliated with Sunmoon University, University of Bridgeport, other academic and institutional research institutes under the True Parents’ founding philosophy, as well as international academic conferences or activities. True Parents hope to develop academic activities to become the foundation for restorations of nations by integrating each academic institute to unite as a whole organic body. 

Now, let us look deeply into the meaning of the Hyo Jeong, one of the core values of Cheon Il Guk. The most important portion of responsibility is the mission of New Tribal Messiahship, which we need in order to build Cheon Il Guk. On September 3, 2012, True Father gave his last prayer and mentioned “It is all completed,” looking forward to the Foundation day coming around the corner. The prayer means that he has transferred the right to inherit the mission to us. That is the mission to restore the nations as tribal Messiah.

 When Jesus began his public career, he declared, “Turn away from your sins and turn to God, because the Kingdom of Heaven is near.” The kingdom of Heaven mentioned by Jesus was nothing other than the Cheon Il Guk. The ideology of Cheon Il Guk is not merely the ideology of utopia, but the ultimate freedom, peace, and happiness of human life. The Cheon Il Guk is the nation of the original Adam and Eve united as one, and the cosmic expansion of the two of them. As the Church is the body of Jesus, In Christian tradition, Cheon Il Guk is the universal body of the cosmic Christ, which is perfected Adam and Eve. Cheon Il Guk is a nation built on the sacred body of True Parents of heaven and earth, and the perfected Adam and Eve. Cheon Il Guk is the nation of an enlarged body of them. Then, what kind of life should Tribal Messiah live in order to realize the Cheon Il Guk? It is the life that lives in the heart of Hyo Jeong. This is agapeism or living for the sake of others, which is taught by True Parents. Agapeism reverses the philosophy of rationalism of Descartes, who said “I think, therefore I am”, and regards the essence of oneself as other self. This means that the way of rejecting rational essentialism and acquiring all the truth is found in the relationship of the heart between you and me.

The greatest truth taught by the Divine Principle is that of the foundation of Cain and Abel being united, the Messiah, the True Parent can emerge. After decades for the path of indemnity course, Jacob said to Esau, “I have seen the face of God.” As Jacob struggled with the relationships between neighbors, the boundary between Cain and Abel was broken down, and ultimately, the hearts of heavenly parents and true parents were left. In this way, the essence of the life living for the sake of others is the heart of Hyo Jeong. Hyo Jeong Academy of Arts and Sciences is to academically systematize the culture of Shimjung heart of God with the other academic institutions.

We must start with the task to transform ideologies of the materialism and the humanism into the ideologies of a new value system based on “Godism”, that is the True Parents’ ideology. .

This is because the source of wrong ideologies is derived from wrong philosophies and academic theories. This movement will be the new Renaissance movement of Godism, which True Parents advocate. God is the truth of all the truth and the source of all the truth.

The heartistic approach for loving God must be the preliminary mindset of academic studies. That must be the basis for solving all problems in human society. For all the associates of Hyo Jeong Academy of Arts and Sciences, we need to draw God to the core center point of all academic disciplines. We need to reestablish the value system of academic training and ask you to support spreading the emergence of True Parents in the world.


Thank you very much.

Sung Bae Jin, Ph.D.

Chairman, HJ Academy of Arts & Sciences 











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